Building a world free of child poverty by addressing both the human and structural root causes of poverty through theological reflection and action, advocacy and knowledge-sharing, and grassroots action to assist children in poverty.
As a global, multi-faith, child-centered initiative, End Child Poverty mobilises communities to address the root causes of poverty in the human heart, and the systemic structural causes of poverty in society. This is accomplished through theological reflection and action, advocacy and knowledge-sharing, and, community-driven initiatives at grassroots and global levels, to assist children in poverty.
End Child Poverty Programme Work is guided by the Right-based approach anchored on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and The Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the partner’s priorities. It also responds to the priorities in the Panama Declaration on Ending Violence Against Children (GNRC Panama Commitments).
Arigatou International is a non-profit organization which works to bring people from all walks of life together to build a better world for children. Arigatou International is “All for Children,” and draws on universal principles of common good to offer compelling new ways for people of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to come together to address children’s issues.
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