Arigatou International–End Child Poverty uses a multi-pronged approach to tackle the systemic structural causes of poverty in society, and the root causes of poverty in the human heart.

We mobilize communities to undertake theological reflection, advocacy, flagship initiatives, and advance knowledge relevant to ending child poverty.

We therefore support communities to leverage flagship initiatives – particularly at the grassroots community level – towards alleviating child poverty through a rights-based approach.

As such, we are guided by universal rights-based frameworks such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Goals/ SDGs), and the GNRC Panama Commitments (Panama Commitments on Ending Violence Against Children).

Our End Child Poverty flagship initiatives are characterized as:


The focus of each initiative is the well-being, dignity, and rights of each and every child, in relation to overcoming poverty that affects children.


We prioritize initiatives that bring relevant solutions, showing a local–global connection and making the best use of the resources available within the community.


Our flagship initiatives show the integration of positive faith and spiritual values, mindful of the child and the community around them.


We encourage initiatives that are locally sustainable over the required duration and follow the principles of sustainable development.

High impact

Each initiative that we establish, support, or leverage, shows potential for meaningful and positive impact to the child and community around them while making the best use of available resources.


Our flagship initiatives can be efficiently modeled, adapted and scaled-up across various situations. They have “glo-cal” outlook, in that they are linked to global realities, while firmly being anchored and responsive to the local contexts.

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