Sustainable Development

Agenda 2030 for sustainable development embodies the highest aspirations for a bright future for the world’s children, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a crucial opportunity to realize their rights in all countries.

At Arigatou International, we believe that the shortest path to achieving the SDGs and securing children’s rights is by meaningfully involving children in taking action towards realizing the SDGs. Whereas all our work is aligned to the SDGs, we pay more attention on awareness building and education around the SDGs; documentation of faith communities’ actions on sustainable development; and, participation in SDGs processes such as the national Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs).

To better enable children’s meaningful involvement in achieving the SDGs, we have established the SDGs Academy for Children (SDGs Academy). This is a safe space (both physical and virtual) and programme for children’s participation, learning and action on the SDGs, and Agenda 2030 in general. It seeks to bring children’s participation at the forefront of the SDGs, while empowering children and the community around them, towards the realization of sustainable development by providing them with simplified and easy-to-use learning tools on the SDGs. It will deliver this goal through the SDG model classroom for children that offer safe virtual and physical child-friendly spaces for interaction and exchange. 

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