ACT Alliance Training on Development Effectiveness – Addis Ababa

End Child Poverty participated in the ACT Alliance Training on Development Effectiveness, from 17th to 19th July 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The training centered on the eight Istanbul Principles which comprise; the international framework for Civil Society Organizations (CSO) Development Effectiveness, their relevance and examples of concrete application and the challenges toward their implementation, as related to humanitarian and development work.

Ms. Nyambura Gichuki the Programs Officer represented End Child Poverty. The training provided an opportunity for participants to comprehensively discuss and reflect on the eight Istanbul Principles and how these can be translated to pragmatic action. The need for human rights-based approaches, enabling environment, CSO accountability and transparency were also central themes addressed during the training.

End Child Poverty would apply the training in its programming with the GNRC members and other partners.

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