Building a Better World for All Children
Poverty is the worst form of Violence, and whilst poverty harms all human beings, it is more threatening to children. It denies them of their right to grow up free from deprivation and want, and develop healthily to their full potential. Arigatou International’s global Interfaith Initiative to End Child Poverty (End Child Poverty) is alive to the fact that eradicating child poverty is not easy, but it is possible. This has been our driving force since End Child Poverty’s inception in 2012. We aspire to achieve a world where every child lives free from poverty. This report provides a summary of our collective work in pursuit of our core commitment – to end child poverty worldwide. It presents our key results and the footprints we have made in the period covering April 2019 to March 2020. This year our main focus was on Child Participation, Partnership Development, and Strengthening as well as Peace Building.
As this report will show, we continued to advance child-led initiatives towards ending poverty. This includes the ‘Poverty Solutions’ initiative, which started as an idea by a child within the networks of our partner in India, Shanti Ashram, and was contextualized and replicated in Nepal with a reach of over 500 children in 2019.