

Speak Up For Children

Arigatou International - End Child Poverty 2022/2023 annual report.

‘Speak Up For Children’ was our clarion call within the reporting year. Aware of the multiple crises in the world today; with children often bearing the greatest brunt of these crises, we sought to demonstrate the need for each of us to play a role in advocating for the rights, dignity, and wellbeing of our children. From children themselves to faith leaders, representatives from Faith-Based Organisations (FBOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), to government authorities; each of us has a unique responsibility to ‘Speak Up For Children’.

The major highlight of the year was the ECP@10 campaign – – commemorating 10 years since our inception as Arigatou International’s Interfaith Initiative to End Child Poverty, in 2012. This Campaign provided a platform for rights holders and duty bearers to “Speak Up For Children” and translate words into impactful actions aimed at ending child poverty.

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