End Child Poverty Scholarship Programme – Partnership with CAP Youth Empowerment Initiative

Several students who received partial sponsorship through the End Child Poverty scholarship programme completed their primary and secondary school education studies. These included students from Hands of Grace, Juba, South Sudan and Amani Village of Hope, Siaya, Kenya.

End Child Poverty mobilised  youths to participate in vocational skills and entrepreneurship training at the CAP Youth Empowerment Institute (CAP YEI) centres in Kisumu County and Buruburu, Nairobi County, Kenya. The youth were selected after an interview process and inducted into the 3-month training program, which culminated in internship and job placement.

End Child Poverty links the student-in-need with individual sponsors and suitable organisations such as The Family Group Foundation (TFGF), CAP YEI, Home Group Fellowship and the Meriada Book Club, which contribute to the scholarship programme. The End Child Poverty Scholarship programme is creating impact; sixty-one (61) students are currently receiving scholarships in both Kenya and South Sudan, in Term 1 – January – March 2016. More sponsors are being sought in order to grow the fund base, as well as increase the number of students being supported and the number of grassroots organisations benefitting across various countries.Pakistan, Lebanon, Tanzania and South Africa were identified as the preliminary countries of focus, in addition to South Sudan and Kenya.

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