Great Lakes and Horn of Africa Regional Peace Programme

Through the Regional Peace Program, End Child Poverty is working to promote peace in 12 countries in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa.

The programme is a collaborative initiated by the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and for regional partners Arigatou International—Nairobi (AI—N).

The programme is intended to enhance collaborative relations, sustain-able peace, peaceful and harmonious co-existence, among communities and social groups as well as good governance in the respective countries.

Key outcomes for the programme include: Increased participation of women in peace-building processes; Improved Inter-group and intra-group relations for religious and ethnic groups; and Regional actors contributing to improve the status of laws, agreements, policies, budgets or institutions addressing key driving factors of conflict.

Through this programme we facilitate development of relevant research and studies; enhance youth capacity and youth-led peace engagements; facilitate opportunities for at-risk-youth to gain life skills and livelihoods empowerment; facilitate the development and socialization of count-er and alternative narratives and frameworks to prevent and counter violent extremism and strengthen or develop platforms to prevent and counter radicalization towards violent extremism.

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