Season’s Greetings from End Child Poverty

Dear Friends,

Arigatou International – End Child Poverty wishes you a joyous holiday season filled with peace.

This year has been undeniably challenging. With the global Covid-19 pandemic, we cannot merely wish the world around us away, rather, we have to take view of the finish line, and creatively disrupt our lives in order to achieve a better and peaceful world. Even with this global health challenge, we sincerely appreciate your unwavering support and walking with us throughout the year. We will get through Covid-19 together!


In this challenging year, we have particularly realized the role and importance of the child in making a difference towards achieving the world we want. It has been clear to us that children want to be heard and truly, their voices are vital in the change process towards alleviating poverty.

Thank you for standing with us as we build a better world for all children. May this holiday season bring rest and good tidings to you and your loved ones. 


Fred Nyabera,

Director, Arigatou International – End Child Poverty

Fred Nyabera

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