In Commemoration of Day of Prayer and Action for Children, Children in Nairobi plant fruit trees

Recently, the World commemorated the Day of Children. The same day (20 November) marks the Day of Prayer and Action (DPAC) for children, a day when faith communities come together to pray and take action for the wellbeing of children. Being true to this, Arigatou International – Nairobi would come together with about 56 children and 21 adults (caregivers) to indeed pray and take action, on Saturday 24 November 2018 in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. After holding multifaith prayers, Ms. Zam Obed, a member of the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) would enlighten the children and their caregivers about the Day of Prayer and Action for Children and its significance. With recognition that children are vulnerable to risky behavior, the event, through Ms. Riziki, a psychologist, took time to advise the caregivers to watch and protect their children from bad behaviours, such as drug abuse.

“Make sure you have time with your child,” she said.” For you children, be free to talk to your and politely request them what you need,” she added.

Having received the knowledge, the children would take part in an exciting tree planting session, together with their caregivers, members of the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) and staff form Arigatou International – Nairobi. The fruit trees planted that would not only signify commemoration of the day at the children’s home but also grow to provide fruits to the children, hence improving their nutrition. The event would definitely not end without having had some fun with children. From a distance, anyone would notice the colourful face paints on children. Children would later sing, dance, tell stories and generally play within themselves as well as with the adults present. Living true to the commemorations, the fun events in a way had lessons of peace, prayer and the need to take action for the wellbeing of children.

The event would also give an opportunity for children to get to know about Arigatou International, as this was explained and demonstrated by Mr. Adulrahman Marjan, a staff from Arigatou International – Nairobi. The event would end with children signing a pledge to uphold peace. The pledge was dubbed: ‘I Commit Not to Engage in Violence.’

The Day of Prayer and Action for Children draws from the Universal World Day of Children, seeking to have a world in which the welfare of children is catered for and their voices heard. Achieving one such world would be through ending child poverty.

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