

Looking Ahead

At the end of the day, the real impact of our work is out there. We appreciate that it will take great effort and time to build the evidence. We are actively looking for ways to develop and/or join a learning platform, yet another partnership that helps us stay the course.

Meanwhile, it is clear that much remains to be done. The evidence on the situation of child poverty points to a worsening of base conditions. That this is so can be discerned from the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, North Africa, Syria, South Sudan, Somalia and the Great Lakes region. These developments have spawned the largest refugee, internal displacement and migration crisis since the second world war.

Other developments feeding this base condition include Violent Extremism and organized crime, gang violence, sexual exploitation and the reality of negative change in climate that is threatening the livelihoods of the most vulnerable societies.

Will the curve turn in favour of children in poverty, are we committing sufficient strategy and resources to end child poverty or is too little too late for a great number of children? How should we respond?

We view progress as a series of iterative steps. Each step takes us higher up the rung on the curve to end child poverty. The higher we go, the more we can be sure the curve is bending.

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