Milestones to Tackling Child Poverty

A world in which no child grows up in poverty and every child can fulfil their potential would be a different world indeed. This is why the Global Coalition sees ending child poverty as a defining challenge of human progress.

While there have been many positive changes in recent decades, the challenges for children remain great: children are significantly more likely to live in poverty than adults, and the impact of poverty on children can be devastating and lifelong, with implications for future generations and society as a whole. Furthermore, children face these challenges globally, in richer and poorer countries alike.

Crucially, although perhaps less recognized, there are specific, effective solutions to address child poverty. These range from direct cash transfers and benefits that reach families with children living in poverty, to ensuring real access to quality services for all, to addressing the stigma and discrimination that can block children’s hope and potential, not least – and perhaps most cruelly – in their own minds.

To read the full article on the Global Coalition’s  website, please click here

End Child Poverty is part of the The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty, which is an initiative to raise awareness about children living in poverty across the world and support action to alleviate child poverty. 

Together We can End Child Poverty Worldwide.

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