The best interests of children must be included in the design and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and all other work to eradicate poverty.
We therefore lead and support advocacy efforts focused on promoting the rights and needs of children.
1. Arigatou International joined the Global Coalition in Ending Child Poverty, 2015
2. End Child Poverty is part of the African Interfaith Initiative on Post 2015 Development Framework. Through our participation in this platform we:
- Assisted in the development of the Africa Faith Leaders Position Paper on the Post 2015 Development Agenda.
- Co-organised and co-hosted the 2014 Pan-African Faith Leaders’ Summit on Post 2015 Agenda held in Kampala, Uganda
- Co-facilitated a Consultative Side Event at the 69th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
- Organised End Child Poverty roundtable
- End child poverty under the auspices of Africa Interfaith Initiative on the Post 2015 Development Agenda issued a Statement on Financing for Development
3. As Arigatou International joins the World Bank and the faith community to end poverty by 2030. The pledge, Ending Extreme Poverty: A Moral and Spiritual Imperative, is the result of a process led by the World Bank as announced at its spring meetings in April 2015.