SDG Academy for Children

SDG Academy for Children

Arigatou International’s SDGs Academy for Children (SDGs Academy) is a safe space (both physical and virtual) and programme for children’s participation, learning and action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Agenda 2030 in general. It seeks to bring children’s participation at the forefront of the SDGs, while empowering children and the community around them, towards the realization of sustainable development. The SDGs Academy was established by End Child Poverty and first launched during the Global Week of Faith in Action in 2020, with a re-launch on 16th June 2022, during the 10th anniversary commemoration of End Child Poverty.

The SDGs Academy covers learning and action on the 5 P’s of the SDGs – People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships, through its safe spaces and programme. Additionally, interaction with the SDGs Academy content is categorized into 4 age groups:  for children below 6 years, children aged 6 to 9, 10 to13, and 14 to 17 years.

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The Academy has 5 hubs representing the 5Ps of the SDGs i.e. People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships. Each hub has a significant correlation with rooms in a house, worship center, and/or spaces in an office and what activities ordinarily happen therein.

The Hubs include:

  1. Knowledge Hub
  2. Innovation and Solutions Hub
  3. Capacity Hub
  4. Faith and Dialogue Hub
  5. Fun and Media Hub

virtual tour to the hubs


Goals 1,2,3,4 & 5

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Goals 6, 12, 13,14 & 15

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Goals 7,8,9,10 & 11

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Goal 16

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Goal 17

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Main Menu

Knowledge Hub

Innovation and Solutions Hub

Here, icons of children and adults who have actively contributed to sustainable development at various levels are displayed with information on how they have done so. Results from Arigatou Children Solutions Lab will actively feature here. These icons serve as motivation to participants to take action for Sustainable Development. It is the story-telling room within the Academy.

One unique resource that will be displayed here is the SDGs mobile Games for Children. This is also the room where ‘recipe cards’ for sustainable development are provided for participants to work together using the items on each card to prepare an innovative solution that can contribute to ending child poverty, and protecting the planet.

play GAME

Capacity Hub

Computer work

A space where children undergo training on Sustainable
Development Goals.


Fun Hub

As natural with playgrounds, this open space is where social interaction happens at an informal level and through fun games. This hub builds partnerships for the SDGs. It is a free, yet safe space to discuss topics relevant to children’s development.

Faith and Dialogue Hub

In this space, Inter-generational dialogue takes place between adults and children. Practical listening to children happens. It is also the space where parents, caregivers, community leaders, policymakers, and other relevant adult stakeholders have a conversation about important policies and programs for children. A key resource for  conversation is the multi-religious collaborative study conducted by Arigatou International on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Furthermore, it is a reflection space, where participants can talk about Faith, their heroes, and sheroes of faith, and connect with nature and their inner self.


SDG Academy Gallery

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