Did you know that the World Bank has come up with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Atlas, which they have described as a visual guide to key trends and the issues that surround the SDGs?
This atlas aims to help us better understand progress on the SDGs and to aid policy makers engaging with them in their everyday work. It summarises all 17 SDGs with visual representation and statistics, highlighting improvements, trends and other comparisons, in an effort to raise awareness on what needs to be done to ensure we can achieve the SDGs by 2030.
Regarding Goal 1 on ‘No Poverty’ the atlas visually shows how the world’s population has grown, in relation to the regional distribution of poverty. The atlas compares the trends in global poverty rates from 1990 to 2013. It reports; between 1990 to 2013 the number of people leaving under $1.90 were more than 1 billion. Despite there being an improvement, as of 2013 we had more than 4 billion people living within $1.90.
Under Goal 5 on ‘Gender Equality’, the atlas reports that strides have been made to ensure that gender equality prevails. This can be seen where laws against gender discrimination in hiring are present in a number of countries. However, we find that there are a lot of girls failing to attend school due to early child marriage, while many others from poor backgrounds face a higher risk of becoming teen mothers.
On Goal 16, ‘Peace Justice and Strong Institutions’, the atlas has identified 36 fragile situations globally, representing 36 countries where conflict persist, as reported by the Word Bank. It further indicates that people often cross borders to seek refuge from conflict and fragility, but most remain in directly neighbouring countries. Only a minority travel farther afield.
In summary, the atlas clearly analyses the SGDs step by step, with current data on each as reported mainly by the World Bank. What is more to it is that the information in visually presented, making it easy to read and understand.
Find the SDGs Atlas and get the latest World Bank data on the SDGs, here.