Theological Reflection

Theological reflection and action is an approach by way Arigatou International—End Child Poverty through which we mobilise faith communities in mitigating the root causes of poverty in human heart, including ignorance, greed, hatred and fear. 

Our primary pathway is welcoming faith actors to draw upon their spiritual, religious, moral and social resources, as a foundation for addressing child poverty and its root causes. Faith actors include faith leaders, faith communities, religious congregations, institutions of worship, faith-based organizations, and other faith-inspired institutions. Together, faith actors have unique comparative advantages, which can positively impact children’s wellbeing.

We therefore aim to work with various faith actors from different religions, traditions, spiritual and faith beliefs, in order to utilise these faith-inspired assets for the wellbeing of all children and to overcome child poverty.


Featured resource: Inspire, Act, Change: An interfaith Guide to End Child Poverty

As a way to foster theological reflection, we continue to encourage the use our Interfaith Guide to End Child Poverty. This Guide is a rich resource for knowledge and reference for advocacy and lobbying approaches, as well as a suitable reference guide for our grassroots partners. In this manner, the Guide has been a tool used by our partners have to build momentum towards realization of the GNRC 5th Forum commitments on ending violence against children, and ending child poverty. 

An interfaith guide to end child poverty

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