Together We Can End Child Poverty Worldwide

What is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP)?

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) is a global event marked every year on 17th October. It is a day for awareness, advocacy and action against poverty. Arigatou International—End Child Poverty uses this opportunity to organise a global IDEP campaign with the universal message, Together We Can End Child Poverty Worldwide.

Why Do We Take Part in observing IDEP?

An estimated 1 billion children live in poverty globally – that is 1 out of every 2 children in the whole world. By taking part in marking the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) and mobilising others to do the same, we join the global community addressing this important issue. IDEP provides opportunity to rally concerted and intensified effort towards ending child poverty.

How Do We Take Part in Observing IDEP?

Arigatou International—End Child Poverty takes part in observing IDEP through:

  1. Promoting awareness on child poverty, through online messaging, public forums and other such events.

  2. Promoting advocacy, calling decision makers and policy influencers to task, so that child poverty can be addressed as a priority concern at a community, national and global level.

  3. Accompanying and supporting grassroots actions towards ending child poverty.

Since 2013, Arigatou International—End Child Poverty has marked the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) through various ways, most notably:

  1. Public Awareness Event and Relaunch of the Interfaith Initative to End Child Poverty (End Child Poverty), Nairobi, Kenya, October 17th

  2. Launch of the End Child Poverty Knowledge Centre in collaboration with Sarvodaya, Colombo, Sri Lanka, October 17th

  3. Our annual online End Child Poverty IDEP Photo Contest. The first of which took place in 2017.

  4. Mobilising and supporting more than 135 grassroots actions in over 25 countries, through our partners and members of Arigatou International’s Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC)

Our 2020 IDEP Campaign:

Our overarching message, Together We Can End Child Poverty Worldwide, will be anchored upon the United Nations IDEP 2020 global theme, “Acting together to achieve social and environmental justice for all”.

Together with our partners, we shall focus on:

  1. Including children in the global development agenda by encouraging communities to listen to children and work side-by-side with children to address child poverty and its drivers.

  2. Addressing child poverty and the drivers of child poverty (including violence against children), as part of the build blocks towards advancing fundamental human rights and dignity.

  3. Amplifying the Sustainable Development Goal One (SDG 1), which aims to end all forms of poverty everywhere, including child poverty.

  4. Mobilising faith communities to engage in these and other areas relevant to ending child poverty.

More specifically, our 2020 Arigatou International—End Child Poverty IDEP Campaign will involve:

  1. Initiating the “Listening to Children” process, as part of our 2020 IDEP campaign. 

Through this, we shall mobilise communities to facilitate space spaces for children to interact, share their views and address stereotypes regarding child poverty, as well as solutions to end child poverty and violence against children. 

Both online conversations, through the Arigatou International online community, and on-location events will be facilitated.

This process will be done in conjunction with all initiatives of Arigatou International – the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC), Ethics Education for Children and Prayer and Action for Children.

The ‘Listening to Children’ process will result in possible children-led projects to be carried out by the GNRC members and our partners in 2020/2021, with support from Arigatou International–End Child Poverty.

  1. Running the 3nd IDEP Photo Contest, with a focus on ‘Listening to Children’ as a way of ensuring inclusivity and respect for the dignity and rights of all children.

  1. Supporting grassroots actions by our partners and the GNRC members, by way of providing an IDEP 2020 Campaign Toolkit and Media Kit; modest IDEP funding support for selected pilot projects; and providing technical programme support to run the IDEP Campaign.

  1. Promoting our 2020 IDEP Online Social media campaign, centered on the message, Together We Can End Child Poverty Worldwide and the aforementioned United Nations IDEP 2020 global theme, “Acting Together to Empower Children, their Families and Communities to End Poverty”.

  1. Mobilising support from the members of the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty and the Moral Imperative platforms.  

Ways in Which You Can Join Us in the IDEP 2020 Campaign

We invite you to be part of our IDEP 2020 Campaign by:

  1. Taking part in promoting awareness through contributing blogs for our website and connecting with our #EndChildPoverty IDEP conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

  2. Engaging in advocacy towards ending child poverty. Visit our website for more information.

  3. Organising grassroots IDEP actions, including ‘Listening to Children’, taking part in Photo Contest and implementing other ideas suggested in our IDEP 2020 Campaign Toolkit.

About Us

Arigatou International is a global non-profit organisation which brings people of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds together to build a better world for children.

End Child Poverty is the global initiative of Arigatou International that mobilises faith-inspired resources to overcome poverty affecting children. We are a multi-faith, child-centered initiative. We aim to create a world free of child poverty, by addressing both the root causes of poverty in the human heart and the structural causes of poverty in society.

We believe that together, we can end child poverty worldwide!

Contact Us

For more IDEP 2020 Campaign resources and information, please contact us:

Arigatou International – Nairobi: End Child Poverty

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