Who we are
Our Right Based Approach
End Child Poverty Programme Work is guided by the Right-based approach anchored on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and The Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the partner’s priorities. It also responds to the priorities in the Panama Declaration on Ending Violence Against Children (GNRC Panama Commitments).
We work with faith actors, youth networks, and grassroots partners, through coalitions, alliances, and other stakeholders to accomplish our thematic areas. The seven thematic areas included in the Programme Framework are the Right to Equality and Inclusion; the Right to Peace; the Right to Sustainable Development; the Right to Livelihoods; Right to Nutrition; Right to Education; and the Right to Children Participation. We firmly believe that these rights need to be accomplished so as to give rise to a better future free of poverty, for all children.
Arigatou International’s Interfaith Initiative to End Child Poverty (End Child Poverty) mobilises faith communities and faith-inspired resources, towards overcoming poverty that affects children.
We believe in mobilising faith communities and faith-inspired resources to address the structural root causes and drivers of child poverty in society, as well as the expressions of poverty in the human heart.
These structural factors include war and violent conflicts; climate change and environmental degradation; inadequate education; malnutrition and hunger; injustice, inequalities and corruption; and violence against children. Greed, ignorance, hatred and fear, include some of the expressions of poverty in the human heart, which we encourage faith communities to tackle.
Our multi-pronged approach utilises theological reflection advocacy, flagship and grassroots initiatives and knowledge advancement, to enable communities to act towards ending child poverty.

All for Children
Arigatou International is “All for Children” and works with people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to build a better world for children.
At the centre of what we do and how we do it are children. We work to ensure the creation of safe spaces and learning opportunities, free from any form of violence, where children can fully express themselves, participate, engage with people of different cultures and beliefs, and become actively and positively involved in our work and in their communities. Learn more.

About Arigatou International
Arigatou International works with people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to build a better world for children.
Believing that every child is a precious treasure of humanity, Arigatou International draws on universal principles of common good to fulfill its “All for Children” mission. At the heart of Arigatou’s work is creating inclusive spaces for shared action to promote children’s rights and well-being. Arigatou International encourages individuals and organizations to take action to ensure that all girls and boys grow up safe and sound, develop to their full potential, and are inspired and empowered to work with others to make a difference in their communities.
Arigatou International develops and sustains multi-stakeholder initiatives designed to ensure that all children are treated with dignity and that all of their rights are respected and protected. Engaging diverse collaborators, Arigatou employs interfaith and intercultural approaches to bring about positive change for children at all levels—from the grassroots to the global.
Arigatou International works together with diverse religious leaders and faith communities, international agencies, civil society organizations, governments, children and young people in more than 80 countries around the world, and its efforts continue to grow in reach, diversity and impact.