Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne is the General Secretary of Sarvodaya, which is Sri Lanka’s largest non-governmental, grassroots development organization.
Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne is the General Secretary of Sarvodaya, which is Sri Lanka’s largest non-governmental, grassroots development organization.
As a humanitarian and community medicine specialist, Dr. Vinya has been involved in coordinating massive emergency response, humanitarian relief and reconstruction projects in Sri Lanka, following the separatist war and several natural disasters in the country. Dr. Vinya also designed a trauma healing and reconciliation program to address the psycho-social effects amongst children affected by the war, in addition to his and Sarvodaya’s recent peace building initiatives.
Dr. Vinya is also a lecturer in Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka and he is a practicing medical doctor specialized in public health. He is also the Chairman of Deshodaya Development Finance Company (DDFC), the Microfinance and Enterprise Development arm of Sarvodaya.
Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne is the General Secretary of Sarvodaya, which is Sri Lanka’s largest non-governmental, grassroots development organization.
Arigatou International is a non-profit organization which works to bring people from all walks of life together to build a better world for children. Arigatou International is “All for Children,” and draws on universal principles of common good to offer compelling new ways for people of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to come together to address children’s issues.
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