About IDEP
Together We Can End Child Poverty Worldwide campaign
What is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP)?
The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) is a global event marked every year on 17th October. It is a day for awareness, advocacy and action against poverty. Arigatou International—End Child Poverty uses this opportunity to organise a global IDEP campaign with the universal message, Together We Can End Child Poverty Worldwide.
Why Do We Take Part in observing IDEP?
1. Child poverty is multi-dimensional. This means that, more than simply lacking money, children are deprived of are deprived of adequate nutrition, health, education, housing, water, or sanitation, among other necessities.
2. Child poverty is an issue that faces all societies. As many as 1 in 2 children live in poverty worldwide.
3. Child poverty affects children disproportionately. In almost every country, whether from lower-income or higher-income countries, children are more likely to live in poverty than adults.
4. Child poverty is persistent. Unless we act now, many children born in poverty continue to grow up in poverty, and this cycle of poverty can affect one generation to the next.
5. Child poverty hinders sustainable development. The global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to end poverty, in all its forms, everywhere. Only by ending child poverty can we achieve this. We need to change this. Lifting children out of poverty will make a huge difference to their lives, and those of the families, communities, and countries in which they live. (Global Coalition to End Child Poverty)
How Do We Take Part in Observing IDEP?
Arigatou International—End Child Poverty takes part in observing IDEP through:
Promoting awareness on child poverty, through online messaging, public forums and other such events.
Promoting advocacy, calling decision makers and policy influencers to task, so that child poverty can be addressed as a priority concern at a community, national and global level.
Accompanying and supporting grassroots actions towards ending child poverty.
Since 2013, Arigatou International—End Child Poverty has marked the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) through various ways, most notably:
Public Awareness Event and Relaunch of the Interfaith Initiative to End Child Poverty (End Child Poverty), Nairobi, Kenya, October 17th
Launch of the End Child Poverty Knowledge Center in collaboration with Sarvodaya, Colombo, Sri Lanka, October 17th
Our annual online End Child Poverty IDEP Photo Contest. The first of which took place in 2017.
Mobilising and supporting more than 135 grassroots actions in over 25 countries, through our partners and members of Arigatou International’s Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC)
Our 2023 IDEP Campaign:
This year’s IDEP global theme is “Decent Work and Social Protection: Putting Dignity in Practice for All.”
How can you take part in IDEP 2023?
1. Use media: Promote awareness by using available media to talk about IDEP, the urgent need to address child poverty, and possible solutions to overcome child poverty.
2. Advocate: Organise community dialogue forums to listen to children, develop strategies and work together with children to address poverty that affects them.
3. Lobby: Ask government leaders, business, faith and other community leaders to take relevant action – using advocacy statements, open letters and townhall meetings, among other ways.
4. Give: Provide food, clothing, school supplies or other material donations and needed resources to support children affected by poverty, or their families. Consider organising local fundraising for this.
5. Symbolic action: Plant a tree, organise a walk, host a game or sports activity, participate in religious or spiritual reflection, and any other meaningful action to mark this day. Invite others to join you.
About Us
Arigatou International—End Child Poverty mobilises faith communities and faith-inspired resources to overcome poverty that affects children. Together with the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC), Prayer and Action for Children, and Ethics Education for Children, we comprise the 4 global initiatives of Arigatou International.