Together we can end child poverty worldwide.

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Together We Can End Child Poverty

1 billion children are impacted by poverty

Each child has the right
to live free of poverty

The path to ending poverty
starts with today's children

Every action, big
or small, counts

Arigatou International - All for Children

All for Children sums up our hopes and dreams and the partnerships we seek to build. All that we do, we do for children… and we work at it with all of our heart, because children deserve nothing less. We believe that all people share a universal calling to care for all the children of our world, so all of the tools and approaches we offer are designed to bring people together—in all their wonderous diversity—to build a better world for children.

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In the News

Intergenerational Dialogue at the SDGs Academy for Children space at the GNRC Sixth Forum

A key highlight of the buzz of activities within the SDGs Academy space at the GNRC Sixth Forum was intergenerational dialogue sessions involving over 20 ...
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In the News

The SDGs Academy for Children at the GNRC Sixth Forum

Strategically placed, well branded and fully equipped was the ‘nomad’ SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Academy for Children space at the GNRC Sixth forum in Abu ...
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In the News

Youth In Action Advocacy workshop in South Sudan

In pursuit to solidify and create more impact towards promoting social cohesion, the Youth in Action network from South Sudan hosted a 3-day advocacy training ...
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