
Arigatou International has staff across various countries in the world, based in our Arigatou International offices in Geneva, Nairobi, New York, Tokyo, and other cities where we have strategic institutional partners. The End Child Poverty staff are primarily based at the Arigatou International—Nairobi office in Kenya, and at the End Child Poverty Knowledge Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Picture 1

Fred Nyabera


Meet Fred

An image of a large gathering of Arigatou International volunteers and employees gathered together outside.

Gerald Acho

Lead, Regional Peace Programme

Meet Gerald

Hesha Perera

 Centre Manager

Meet Hesha

Kefe Innocent

Communication Officer

Meet Kefe

Michael Adikwu

Lead, SDGs Academy for Children and the Africa Faith Leaders Initiative on the SDGs

Meet Michael

Nyambura Gichuki

Programs Officer

Meet Nyambura

Abdul Alawi

Administrative Assistant

Meet Abdul

Florence Omtokoh

Executive Secretary

Meet Florence

Yasin Lokaale


Meet Yasin


Meet the team

Ethics Education for Children

Meet the team

Prayer and Action for Children

Meet the team

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