The Interfaith Initiative to End Child Poverty mobilises faith communities and faith-inspired resources to help build a world free of child poverty.
We believe in a world free of child poverty and invites all people of faith and goodwill to work together to make this vision a reality.

Who we are

End Child Poverty is the global, multi-faith, child-centered initiative of Arigatou International, that addresses the root causes of poverty in the human heart and the structural causes of poverty in society.  Together with the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC), Prayer and Action for Children, and Ethics Education for Children, we comprise the 4 global initiatives of Arigatou International.

Find out more about Arigatou International

What we do

Our End Child Poverty work accomplished through theological reflection and action, advocacy and knowledge-sharing, and community-driven initiatives at grassroots and global levels, towards overcoming child poverty. Through our right-based approach, we aim to protect, uphold and advance the inherent dignity, wellbeing and rights of each and every child.


Why we focus on child poverty

Globally, it is estimated that 1 in every 2 children worldwide are affected by poverty. Poverty is multi-dimensional, meaning there are different aspects that comprise poverty, beyond the lack of basic material resources. Poverty experiences during the childhood years, can continue to impact the person well into their adulthood, and further on to the next generation. Child poverty deprives the child of a life where their dignity and wellbeing are fully actualised.

However, despite this grim reality, we realise that we – all of society – can and must take action to tackle poverty, and build a better life for all children.

The structural causes of poverty require changes in policies and practices that build our communities at micro and macro levels, from grassroots to global systems. Attitudes and behaviours such a greed, ignorance, fear and hatred, reflect internal poverty in the human heart, which we believe can be overcome.

Opportunities and solutions are present, and can be leveraged towards ending child poverty. From global development progress and frameworks , to social and technological innovations; from positive spiritual values, to resources available in communities. We believe that together, we can end child poverty worldwide.



Our Solutions

Together with communities, we innovate and implement solutions to overcome poverty that affects children. Our solutions are multi-faith and rights-based. Over the years, we have established and supported several social innovations including advocacy campaigns, establishment of an End Child Poverty Knowledge Centre and programme interventions to prevent and eradicate poverty at the grassroots community levels.


Where we work

Arigatou International has global offices in Geneva, Nairobi and New York, with headquarters in Tokyo. End Child Poverty is based at the Arigatou International—Nairobi Office, together with the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) Secretariat.  Through valuable partnerships, End Child Poverty mobilises communities in over 50 countries towards tackling poverty that affects children.


Who we work with

We collaborate with people from all walks of life, both individuals of goodwill and organisations, towards ending child poverty. Our strategic partnerships are based on our guiding principles and core values, and overall our overall mission. We collaborate in various ways, including: common advocacy, joint programme implementation and knowledge advancement; building and strengthening structures, networks and institutions; and, funding and resource mobilisation.


Our people

We work with young people, particularly children, to advance children’s dignity and wellbeing. We have a dedicated team of staff, based as the Arigatou International—Nairobi Office in Kenya, and at our End Child Poverty Knowledge Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka. We are glad to work together with volunteers and champions, individuals acting at local and global community levels. Our work is successful  because of valuable partnerships with many others.

Meet our Staff Team and our Arigatou International Advisory Group

Our history

The Interfaith Initiative to End Child Poverty (End Child Poverty) was launched by Arigatou International at the Fourth Forum of the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) in June 2012, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Since then, we have marked more than 10 years of continuous progress and growth towards mobilising communities to take action.

See a brief snapshot of Our History

Our Impact

We count our impact, not only in terms of each child’s life that we affect, but also in terms of how the family and community of the child is affected through our work. We believe that all of society must be involved in efforts to end child poverty.

Through various actions, we have seen immediate positive changes in the lives of children and their community, and we aim to encourage sustained transformation well into the future.

Find out more about Our Impact

Get involved

Every positive action towards overcoming poverty counts. We believe that together, we can accomplish significant change in the lives of the children we serve, as well as their families and wider communities.  From volunteering to giving, to joining our advocacy campaigns and sharing your story; you too can get involved and be part of this global community creating change.

Join us and Take Action towards ending child poverty

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