Sustainable Development Goals

Why Governments Need to “Build Back Better” with Faith Actors in Africa

Africa Faith Leaders Initiative (AFLI) on Agenda 2030 In the beginning: Five years have elapsed since the United Nations adopted the Post-2015 Development Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It was an ambitious agenda yet one that faith actors believed was achievable by the grace of God. The world is at a critical point […]

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Uncounted poor children in poverty measurement and monitoring: Who are they?

  While these household surveys are a massive leap forward in terms of providing reliable monetary and multidimensional poverty estimates, they may underestimate the magnitude of child poverty. However, certain groups of children, often the poorest or those vulnerable to poverty and deprivation, may in fact be missed out by such surveys –or their poverty

Uncounted poor children in poverty measurement and monitoring: Who are they? Read More »

Investing in Children: Experiences and Challenges from Indonesia

Speaking during the “Results for Children: High-Level Advocacy Forum on Investing in Early Childhood Development,” Ms. Dear Sinadang of the Humanitarian Forum Indonesia and the Joint Learning Initiative of Faith and Local Communities, said that religious institutions in Indonesia play a significant role in early childhood development.

Investing in Children: Experiences and Challenges from Indonesia Read More »

Investment in prevention and social accountability key to ending Child Poverty and Violence : Part 2

Children need actionable commitments from all stakeholders especially government. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provides hope and a promising start since there are clear indicators under goals 5 and 16. However, it is crucial not only to support, but hold accountable countries to translate these commitments into concrete actions at national and sub-national level.

Investment in prevention and social accountability key to ending Child Poverty and Violence : Part 2 Read More »

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