Interfaith Council

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Rev Dr. Hans Ucko

Rev. Dr. Hans Ucko is an ordained minister of the Church of Sweden and has, throughout his ministry, been involved in Jewish-Christian and inter-religious dialogue. Dr. Ucko has conducted research with the Paris Institut Eglise et Monde Juif, the Swedish Theological Institute and at the David Hartman Institute in Jerusalem.

Dr. Ucko received his doctorate in theology at the Senate of Serampore College, Calcutta, India, where he wrote his thesis on the concepts of “people” and “people of God” as integral to Asian contextual theologies and the Jewish tradition.

An image of Rev Dr. Hans Ucko.

Dr. Ucko is currently the co-chair of Arigatou International’s initiative, Prayer and Action for Children and a board member of Arigatou International, New York. He is the President of the newly established Nordic Gülen Institute. Dr. Ucko has previously served in leadership in the Office of Interreligious Relations and Dialogue of the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland; as the President of Religions for Peace Europe; and as the Executive Secretary of the Church of Sweden for Jewish-Christian Relations, interreligious dialogue and East Asian Relations. 



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