
Promoting Peace through Sports

Focused on promoting peaceful coexistence among different religious backgrounds, youth from the GNRC Ethiopia organised a football match on 7th July 2018, at Entoto Secondary School, Addis Ababa. The sport activity, which comprised of youth from different religious backgrounds, mainly Christian and Muslim, aimed at fostering interfaith dialogue to counter radicalisation towards violence, and enhance

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Coimbatore Peace Festival 2018 – A platform for Peace Building

“We can draw strength from youth and from their common commitment to the well–being of all.” This is the underlying principle in the oncoming Coimbatore Peace Festival under the theme: ‘Stand up for Peace.’ The Festival is set to take place on 9th August 2018 in Sarojini Nataraj Auditorium, Kikani Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore, India

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Children and Youth as Peacemakers

Violence results not only in poverty but also creates more violence. This vicious circle of violence and impunity transforms many vulnerable groups into agents that replicate abuse and mistreatment from one generation to another, thereby causing unemployment, economic downturns and instability. Violence has a devastating impact on a poor person’s struggle from poverty, seriously undermines

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Understanding Youth and Violent Extremism in the Horn of Africa

Violent extremism is perhaps the greatest challenge for humankind in our time. Its unpredictable nature and facelessness makes it very challenging to confront. Recruitment and radicalization into violent extremism have mainly affected youth and children because of the unique vulnerabilities they possess. The lived realities of young people in contexts of violent conflicts are much

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Is Violent Extremism Real or Imagined?

Arigatou International’s End Child Poverty and the Global Network of Religions for Children collaborated with Norwegian Church Aid and ICCO Cooperation in hosting a Regional Youth Forum on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). Violent Extremism is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Several factors push and pull youth towards violent extremism. It is important

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