
The Three Reasons Why I am Involved in Creating a Better World for Children

First, is the conviction derived from my FAITH There is a strong consensus across our religious traditions about the inherent dignity of every person, including children. According to my faith tradition – Christianity, all human beings, children included…enjoy special status and dignity in creation. The basis of this claim is in the bible, in the […]

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Uncounted poor children in poverty measurement and monitoring: Who are they?

  While these household surveys are a massive leap forward in terms of providing reliable monetary and multidimensional poverty estimates, they may underestimate the magnitude of child poverty. However, certain groups of children, often the poorest or those vulnerable to poverty and deprivation, may in fact be missed out by such surveys –or their poverty

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Action! Seminar 2019

Arigatou International — Nairobi together in partnership with the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and Changemaker-Oslo, will host the African Children and Youth Network for Human Rights / Réseau des Enfants et Jeunes Africains pour les Droits Humains (REJADH), Action! Seminar from 14th – 18th November 2019, in Machakos County, Kenya. 

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International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 17 October 2019

What is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP)? The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) is a global day of awareness, advocacy and action against poverty, marked every year on 17 October. This year, IDEP takes the theme: Acting Together to Empower Children, their Families and Communities to End Poverty.

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A Unified Call to Protect and Uphold Children’s Rights

Youth leaders within the YouthInAction network together with those from the African Children and Youth Network for Human Rights/Réseau des Enfants et Jeunes Africains pour les Droits Humains (REJADH) have called for the need to promote and uphold children’s rights in commemoration this year’s Day of the African Child. Both the youths networks are part

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GNRC-Tanzania Advocate for a World Free of Child Poverty

GNRC-Tanzania Advocate for a World Free of Child Poverty

The International Day for Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) is often a day of awareness, advocacy, reflection and taking action towards ending poverty in the world. This did not elude the minds of GNRC-Tanzania youths when they organised awareness activities in Upendo Center Pugu in Dar es Salaam Tanzania and in Unguja, Zanzibar. The events took

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Investing in Children: Experiences and Challenges from Indonesia

Speaking during the “Results for Children: High-Level Advocacy Forum on Investing in Early Childhood Development,” Ms. Dear Sinadang of the Humanitarian Forum Indonesia and the Joint Learning Initiative of Faith and Local Communities, said that religious institutions in Indonesia play a significant role in early childhood development.

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‘Results for Children: Securing well being outcomes for Early Childhood High Level Advocacy Meeting

Arigatou International in collaboration with the Moral Imperative to End Extreme Poverty, held a High-Level Advocacy Forum on Investing in Early Childhood Development. The meeting took place in Bali, Indonesia on 10th October 2018, during the annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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Arigatou International — Nairobi at the 3rd IGAD High Level Retreat on Mediation

The Director, Arigatou International — End Child Poverty, Fred Nyabera, Arigatou International’s Advisory Group member, Sheikh Ibrahim Lethome, and four other religious leaders from the Regional Peace Programme (RPP) participated at the 3rd Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) High Level Retreat on Mediation. This meeting was hosted by IGAD, in partnership with ACCORD, from 12-14

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Coimbatore Peace Festival 2018 – A platform for Peace Building

“We can draw strength from youth and from their common commitment to the well–being of all.” This is the underlying principle in the oncoming Coimbatore Peace Festival under the theme: ‘Stand up for Peace.’ The Festival is set to take place on 9th August 2018 in Sarojini Nataraj Auditorium, Kikani Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore, India

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The GNRC 5th Forum

The GNRC 5th Forum will take place on 9, 10 and 11 May 2017 in Panama City, Panama.The GNRC 5th Forum will include plenary sessions, panel discussions, expert presentations and reflections on the three key thematic areas bringing together Four-hundred religious leaders, members of diverse faith communities, leaders of faith-based organizations United Nations officials, and representatives

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These 8 Simple Things Are Keeping Millions Of Girls Out Of School

Vansa loves school. Her eyes lit up as she told me (author, Sara Rossi) about how she dreamed of becoming a physician so she could help her community of Ggaba, a low-income area just south of Uganda’s capital, Kampala. “I’m smarter than the boys in my class,” the 13-year-old stated proudly, “and I get better

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Doctors group calls on pediatricians to address child poverty

For pediatricians, a routine visit is a chance to chat with parents about their child’s vaccinations, sleep patterns, nutrition and TV time. But new guidelines say that with nearly half of American children living in poverty or close to that line, pediatricians need to broach another health-related matter with mom or dad: Are you having

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Thank You

We begin the year by saying – Thank You! Because of your partnership, your interest, your support and your giving, we have been able to reach and serve thousands of children and their families in the previous year.

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