
Nurturing Children’s Agency in Environmental Sustainability

Creating a better world for children is conserving the environment and ecosystems around us so that they inherit a safe and clean world. While we need to conserve the environment for future generations, it’s imperative to involve them (children) in conservation efforts to enable them to understand the need to and how to keep our

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Championing Meaningful Children’s Participation at the UNCSC 2024

Arigatou International recognizes and values meaningful children’s participation and engagement in both actions and discourses aimed at creating a better and sustainable world for all. It is this strong belief that shaped Arigatou International’s Workshop at the United Nations Civil Society Conference in Nairobi on 9 May 2024. The Workshop, held in collaboration with the

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Developing young changemakers through the SDGs Academy for Children

The SDGs Academy for Children ‘Pioneer hub’ hosted its first residential learning camp for 2024. The camp brought together 13 children at the hub in Limuru, Kenya. The two- and half-day camp focused on a step-by-step discussion, brainstorming and learning about designing a sustainable community mindful of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In two groups,

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Arigatou International will convene the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) Sixth Forum from November 19 – 21, 2024. The Forum, to be hosted by the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities (IAFSC) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, will bring together children, youth, religious leaders, policymakers, governmental, intergovernmental, and multilateral organizations, and grassroots child


Advancing skills and knowledge in children on the SDGs

A three-day residential training programme for 14 children drawn from Across Sri Lanka aimed to equip children with the right knowledge and guide them on practical skills to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Between 23rd – 25th February 2024, the children convened at Arigatou International’s SDGs Academy for Children, Model Classroom in Colombo, Sri

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Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement commemorates its 65th anniversary.

Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement, a member of the GNRC and partner of Arigatou International at large celebrated its 65th anniversary on 7 December 2023, since its establishment in 1958 in Sri Lanka. The movement, which originated in Sri Lanka, has been at the forefront of promoting social equality and community development. The 65th commemorations were held

Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement commemorates its 65th anniversary. Read More »

Arigatou International – End Child Poverty releases its 2022/2023 annual report

‘Speak Up For Children’ was our clarion call within the reporting year. Aware of the multiple crises in the world today; with children often bearing the greatest brunt of these crises, we sought to demonstrate the need for each of us to play a role in advocating for the rights, dignity, and wellbeing of our

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On the road to multiplying the SDGs Academy for Children

The SDGs Academy for Children by Arigatou International ‘Pioneer Hub’ in Kenya hosted partners (also members of the GNRC) from Sombor, Serbia for a learning, reflection, benchmarking, and training session on the model of the Academy, with the goal to establish a 3rd physical space of the Academy  in Serbia soon, in collaboration with the

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Multiplex Collaborations for Sustainable Development: Insights from PaRD Annual Forum 2023

The Annual Forum on Religion and Sustainable Development 2023, convened in Berlin, Germany from October 17 to 19, brought together a diverse array of stakeholders, including government agencies, multilateral organizations, civil society, and faith-based groups. As an active participant in these discussions and a member of the PaRD Steering Board, I gained invaluable insights into

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Children Supporting Children – Art Camp in Sri-Lanka

Children from a school in Wattala, Sri Lanka organized and supported an arts camp for 27 children at the Meethotamulla Children empowerment centre on 12 August 2023. The camp involved children painting and illustrating on boards and papers using different colours. Through the illustrations and drawings, the children were able to portray various messages and

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Children account for half of the world’s poor population – MPI 2023

Children under 18 years old account for half ((566 million) of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) – poor people in the world, the 2023 Global MPI report has revealed. The report reveals that 54.1 percent of poor children live in Sub-Saharan Africa, making poverty reduction for these 306 million children a vital focus for the

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Celebrating the World Environment Day at the SDGs Academy for Children.

In commemoration of the World Environment Day, the SDGs Academy ‘Model Classroom’ organised a learning and tree planting session with 24 students from Maris Stella College Negombo, Sri Lanka. The session, which in part took place within the Academy premises took the students through an understanding of SDGs 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 13 (Climate

Celebrating the World Environment Day at the SDGs Academy for Children. Read More »

Youth Economic Development and Peacebuilding

Often, youth lobby for more access to decision making positions and leadership as a step to transforming their role in conflict while neglecting deeper and more meaningful engagement on issues such as economic development and resource governance that would facilitate broader youth development and long-term peace. It is within this premise that we conceptualized and

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The SDGs Academy at the Africa Children Summit

The inaugural Africa Children Summit was not just an ‘attend and go’ summit. It was a platform for children and partnering organization to showcase their work, creativity, and solutions towards creating a better world for children. With the budding SDGs Academy for Children, Arigatou International could ill-afford to miss this opportunity to promote it’s through

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A Space Designed by Children, for Children to be Seen, Heard, and Engaged

Have you ever attended a forum, session, workshop, or conversation where children are in charge? Chances are, you have not experienced this often or even at all. The inaugural Africa Children Summit, which took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 10th – 12th April, was such unique space entirely designed for and by children to be

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Robotics for Sustainable Development

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are central to accelerating achievement of United Nations Agenda 2030 and particularly the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  The UN recognizes technology as a cross-cutting ‘means of implementation,’ underpinning the achievement of every goal. Recognizing the centrality of STEM, the Arigatou International SDGs Academy for Children in partnership with the Kenya Flying

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Young women leading innovative solutions to overcome child poverty.

Every year, the world commemorates the International Women’s Day (March 8) to recognise the achievements and contribution of women towards creating a better world. Today, the world is faced with a multiplicity of crises, and this only calls for inclusive approaches towards addressing these crises, including child poverty. Recognising the vital role they play in

Young women leading innovative solutions to overcome child poverty. Read More »

Our journey with Children Empowerment Centre – Meethotamulla, Sri Lanka

On the evening of Sinhala and Hindu New Year April 2014, it was a festive day for all Sri Lankans. The garbage dump collapsed in Meethotamulla, Kolonnawa., claiming 38 lives and 180 families were displaced and the affected provided with temporary shelter in Kolonnawa and nearby community centers. The affected families were relocated into a

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Children leading the way in sustainable development

Children in Kenya and Sri Lanka have been learning about sustainable development through a fun and integrated approach. Through Arigatou International’s SDGs Academy for Children, more than 300 children participated in several learning sessions hosted by the SDGs Academy Pioneer Hub in Limuru, Kenya, and SDGs Academy Model Classroom in Colombo, Sri Lanka, within the

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Education –  the fastest way to pull children out of poverty

This year’s International Day of Education theme is ‘To Invest in People, Prioritize Education’. Indeed, quality and inclusive education has been deemed as one of the fastest and surest ways to pull children and entire communities out of poverty. Access to education directly corresponds with the levels of development, as evidenced by measures such as

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Promoting social cohesion through community dialogue

Arigatou International – End Child Poverty in collaboration with the Uzalendo Afrika Initiative and Elim Fellowship Church, Nyali – Mombasa organised a community dialogue between 28th – 29th November; bringing together over 50 diverse participants/stakeholders in the community. They included; youth, women, religious leaders and government officials. Community dialogues is a critical lifeline to promoting

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‘Grow trees with Children’ – Sri Lanka

The End Child Poverty Knowledge Centre, joined hands with the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in planting trees to commemorate  ECP@10 (10th anniversary of Arigatou International – End Child Poverty). The Knowledge Center visited two schools in Galle District where they planted hundreds of trees  and distributed tree seedlings among children, parents, teachers and staff and members

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2022 Highlights – Staff Picks

Acho Gerald: My first highlight was the Regional Faith Leaders Forum (RFLF). We had such great participation of faith actors from various countries, which also led to strengthen our partnership with organisations such as the Zanzibar Interfaith Centre (ZANZIC), Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC), South Sudan Council of Churches (SCC), the Inter-religious Council of Ethiopia.

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Launch of the ‘Model Classroom’ – the  SDGs Academy for Children in Sri Lanka”

Arigatou International launched the 2nd physical space of the SDGs Academy for children in Sri Lanka on 17th October 2022, during commemoration of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP). The space, dubbed Model classroom is hosted within the Sarvodaya Shramadana movement headquarters in Sri Lanka and is managed by the End Child

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What is IDEP? The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP), October 17th 2022, is an opportunity to increase awareness, community actions and advocacy towards ending child poverty. This year’s IDEP theme is “Dignity for All in Practice: The Commitments we Make Together for Social Justice, Peace and Planet.” Across the world, about 1


Dignity for All Children. Countdown to October 17th , International Day for the Eradication of Poverty  (IDEP)

Globally, nearly 1 billion children are affected by multidimensional poverty. This means that almost half of the world’s population of children lack basic necessities such as nutritious food, clean water, a safe home, or even healthcare. This multidimensional poverty robs children of their dignity and creates an increased risk of erosion of their rights. In

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4 ways you can take part in IDEP 2022 – Ideas Toolkit

What is IDEP? The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP), October 17th 2022, is an opportunity to increase awareness, community actions and advocacy towards ending child poverty. This year’s IDEP theme is “Dignity for All in Practice: The Commitments we Make Together for Social Justice, Peace and Planet.” Across the world, about 1

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Children’s Solutions Lab 2022: Finalists Unveiled

The finalists of the 2022 Children’s Solutions Lab were unveiled on Friday, 29 July 2022 in a virtual session with the children and their accompanying adults. The finalist groups were: “Home of the Sun” from Armenia, “Turma do Passaporte para a Vida” from Brazil, “My Rights, My Future” from Ghana, “The Inspired Children’s Club” from

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Children learning and taking actions towards sustainable development

  Just before resuming to their normal school calender after a fairly long holiday, 12 children, drawn from our partners in Kenya were part of the first SDGs Academy residential training; which took place between 20th – 22nd April 2022. At the Academy, the children aged between 6-9 years gained an understanding of the Sustainable

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